scholar for a day program

“Hands on Culture” Be a Scholar for a Day

A scholar is defined as a person who has achieved a higher level of studies and has obtained great knowledge in their particular field. In ancient China, scholars were not only well educated but were also regarded with high social status. Ancient Chinese scholars increasingly turned to the arts, the study of which was considered a path to the cultivation of the moral self. Being a scholar was more than just amassing knowledge and excellence in a particular field. Scholars were held to a higher moral standard and looked up to as a pillar of ancient society.

San marino schools 4th grade scholar program

The daily exercise of mind and soul were important. During the Song Dynasty (about 1,000 years ago), scholars would practice four arts/rituals every morning, they are hanging paintings, burning incense, brewing tea and arranging flowers.

Hanging paintings: Every morning, the scholar would change a new painting for fresh new ideas and to stimulate their sense of sight.

Burning incense: The complex fragrances of incense help the scholar to stimulate their sense of smell.

Brewing tea: Tea preparation is a highly sequential procedure and is key to exercising the Zen spirit. Different teas also help to stimulate the scholar’s sense of taste.

Arranging floral: Manipulating plants and inhaling the scents of nature. One would arrange flower basic on principle of I-Ching (the book of change).

After scholars practice the 4 arts/rituals, They would play music, chess, and practice calligraphy and brush painting. These are the skills that ancient scholars spent all their lives to perfect. Nowadays, our children go to school practice the 4 arts without preparation. Are they missing out the waking up 5 senses? 

program goals

The goals of our education program, Hands On Culture - “Be A Scholar For A Day”, are to create diverse cultural learning experiences using a present day approach by engaging participants in an active learning process and instilling an appreciation for lifelong learning habits. Since 2013, our foundation has delivered this program to 4th grade students in the San Marino School District. Raising cultural awareness is a key component of public school education. The main focus of this project is to promote understanding and an appreciation for the philosophies of ancient Chinese Scholar society. The goal is to incorporate this project into California’s 4th Grade Student Social Studies Framework (Life today and long ago in a changing State of California).

Pasadena City College

  • The foundation has offered the Hands on Culture at the PCC twice in the past. The first time was on Tuesday and Thursday from June 21 to July 28 2016 and second time was on 2 Saturdays October 7 and 14 2017.

  • The course is designed to bring students one step closer to living a balance and harmonious life.

  • In the summer of 2017, we also offered the Chinese Floral Arts Classes. During the 4 Saturdays, the students learned the connection with the mystical wonder of nature in the traditional Chinese Floral Arts arrangement.


The USC U.S. - China institution and the National Consortium for Teaching About Asia (NCTA) are offering a NO_COST professional development open to all interested K-12 educators. Our organization is invited to help facilitating the elementary level of curriculum.


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