Hands on Culture - Be A Scholar For A Day TBA


Hands on Culture - Be A Scholar For A Day TBA


Mindfulness is the key to both personal and professional success. However, we live in a hurry-up culture. We forget how to slow down, forget how to enjoy our environment, we just continue to stress! Join us as we walk the path of the ancient Song Dynasty’s scholar while learning about their lifestyle and their daily practice of 4 rituals/arts (焚香,掛畫,點茶,插花)and 4 skills (琴-棋-書-畫). Together we will create a diversity of cultural learning experience using a present day approach to become more aware of how nature impacts our minds and inspirations. There will be hands-on activities with traditional Chinese flower art arranging, calligraphy practice, and incense burning. A tea ceremony will be introduced. This wonderful retreat will help you develop new habits and find your own joyful living navigator. All materials will be provided covered by the tuition. Single class is $35.

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